– (man) “Think to yourself that every day is your last. | “今日限りの命と思えば” |
“The hour to which you do not look forward “will come as a welcome surprise. | “残った日々は 予期せぬ ご褒美” |
“As for me, when you want a good laugh, “you will find me in a fine state, | “楽しみを求める時は 私を訪ねて来るがいい” |
“fat and sleek, | “豚のように太り―” |
a true hog of Epicurus’s herd.” | “美食に明け暮れてる” |
– And we find you cribbing lines from Horace, as well. | それはホラティウスの詩の 剽窃(ひょうせつ)だろう? |
– Well done, John. | バレたか |
– I must say, Hannibal, speaking for the rest of the herd– (laughter) | ハンニバル 私も“豚族”の 1人として言おう |
I’m sorry, for the symphony board– | 交響楽団理事会を代表し― |
that these little soirees of yours are always the highlight of our year. | 我々は この夕食会を 毎年 楽しみにしてる |
– You’re too kind. | どうも でも気がとがめるわ |
– I do feel a bit guilty enjoying such a lovely evening | でも気がとがめるわ |
when one of our musicians is still listed as a missing person. | オーケストラのメンバーの 1人が今も行方不明 |
– Yes, poor fellow. | 気の毒な話だ |
– (John) Shall I confess something wicked? | 1つ 告白しよう |
I can’t help feeling just the tiniest bit, well, relieved. | 私は ほんの少しだが ハッキリ言って― ホッとしてる |
It sounds awful, I know. But, let’s face it, so does the man’s playing. (groaning, laughter) | ひどい奴だと思うかね? だが彼の演奏もひどかった |
– Hannibal, confess. | ハンニバル |
What is this divine-looking amuse-bouche? | このおいしそうな “オードブル”は何? |
– If I tell you… | それを言ったら― |
I’m afraid you won’t even try it. | 手が止まるでしょう |
Bon appétit. | さあ どうぞ |
– Special Agent Graham. What an unexpected pleasure. | グレアム捜査官 おめずらしい |
– I’m sorry to bother you again, Dr. Lecter. I know it’s very late. | すみません こんな時間に… |
– It’s no bother. We’re both night owls, I think. | 構わんよ お互い夜型人間だ |
Come in, please. | 入りたまえ |
– Let me take your coat. | コートを |
So what’s on your mind? | 用件は? |
– We’ve been on the wrong track this whole time, Doctor, you and I. Our whole profile’s wrong. | あなたと僕の分析は 完全に的外れだったんです |
Well, we’ve been looking for someone with a crazy grudge | 分析によれば― 犯人は“解剖学の知識がある”と |
and some kind of anatomical knowledge. | 犯人は“解剖学の知識がある”と |
Decertified doctors, med school dropouts, laid-off mortuary workers– | 落ちこぼれの医者 あるいは医学生 |
– From the precision of the cuts, yes, and his choice of souvenirs. | 正確なメスの切り口と 収集してる“土産”からね |
– See, that’s where we’re off target. He’s not collecting body parts. | 保存していないのです |
– Then why keep them? | なぜ切り取った? |
– He’s not keeping them. He’s eating them. | 保存ではなく食べたのです |
No, listen. We were at Molly’s parents’ for New Year’s, | この間の正月 妻の里で― |
and Molly’s dad was showing my son Josh how to carve a roasted chicken. | 義父が うちの息子に チキンの切り方を見せ― |
– Yeah? | 義父が うちの息子に チキンの切り方を見せ― “一番 柔らかいのは 背中の両側の この肉だ”と |
– He said, “The tenderest part of the chicken is the oysters, here on either side of the back.” | “一番 柔らかいのは 背中の両側の この肉だ”と |
I had never heard that expression before: oysters. | 義父は その部分を“牡蠣”と |
Then suddenly I had a flash of the third victim, Darcy Taylor. | その瞬間 3番目の犠牲者の イメージが頭に浮かびました |
She was missing flesh from her back. | その部分の肉が― |
And then it hit me. | なかった |
Liver, kidney, tongue, thymus. | 肝臓(レバー) 腎臓 舌(タン) 胸腺もね |
Every single victim lost some body part used in cooking. | すべて料理に使われる 部分です |
– Have you shared this with the Bureau? | そのことを本部には? |
– No, I needed to see you first. But I’m right. | まず あなたに話そうと |
I know I’m right. I’m starting to be able to think like this one. | やっと犯人像が 見えてきました |
– Yeah, it’s fascinating. | すばらしい |
You know, I’d always suspected as much. You are an eidetiker. | 思ってた通り 君は“超能力者”だ |
– I’m– I’m not psychic, Doctor. | 違います |
– No, no, no, this is different. More akin to artistic imagination. | “芸術レベルの想像力を 持った者”という意味だ |
You’re able to assume the emotional point of view of other people, even those that might scare or sicken you. | 恐怖と嫌悪を感じる相手の 気持ちをも理解する能力だ |
It’s a troubling gift, I should think. | 本人には厄介な才能だ |
How I’d love to get you on my couch. | 君の精神分析を試したいね |
– Something still doesn’t make sense to me. | 1つ 気になることが… |
You’re the best forensic psychiatrist I know. | あなたは犯罪精神医学の権威 |
And somehow, in all our time together, this possibility never occurred to you. | なのに この可能性を 見過ごしてた |
– Well, I am only human, Will. | 私も人間だ ウィル 人間は過ちを犯す |
Perhaps I made a mistake. | 私も人間だ ウィル 人間は過ちを犯す あなたに限って過ちなど |
– You don’t strike me as a man who makes very many mistakes. | あなたに限って過ちなど |
– Now I’m sorry to think | これで君の信頼を― |
that I might no longer enjoy your full confidence. | これで君の信頼を― 失ったわけか |
– No, no, I didn’t… I didn’t say that. I didn’t. | いいえ そういうことでは… |
I don’t– I don’t know what I’m saying, I… I’m very, very tired. | 自分が何を言ってるのか… 過労のせいです |
I– I almost had it. | 後 ひと息なのに |
– It’ll come to you. | ヒラめくよ |
Look, why don’t you come back in the morning? | 出直して また明朝に |
I’ll clear some time on my schedule and then we can get started in revising our profile. | 時間を作っておくから 今までの分析を― |
Sound good? | 見直そう |
– Rest here and I’ll get your coat. | じゃ コートを |
Won’t be a tick. | すぐ戻る |
don’t move. | 騒ぐな |
You’re in shock now. I don’t want you to feel any pain. | 痛い思いはさせんよ |
In a moment you’ll begin to be light-headed. | 頭が軽くなり― |
Then drowsy. (blade twists) | 眠気が襲ってくる |
Don’t resist. It’s so gentle, like slipping into a warm bath. | 温かい湯に浸(つ)かるような いい気持ちだ |
I regret it came to this, Will. | すまんな ゲームは いつか終わるのだ |
But every game must have its ending. | ゲームは いつか終わるのだ |
Remarkable boy. | 君には舌を巻く |
I do admire your courage. | 大した勇気だ |
I think I’ll eat your heart. | 心臓を食おう |
– Hey, Dad. – Yeah? – Someone’s here. | パパ お客さんだよ |
– You’ve got a beautiful setup here, Will. | いい所だな ウィル |
– Yeah, it’s good. | まあな |
– You know why I’m here? | 用件だが… |
– Yeah, I can guess. | 想像はつく |
– How much do you know? | 事件のことは? |
– Just what was in the Miami Herald and the Times. | 新聞記事なら読んだ |
Two families killed a month apart in their homes. | 1ヵ月間隔で二(ふた)家族が犠牲に |
Birmingham and Atlanta. | バーミングハムとアトランタ |
The circumstances were similar. | 状況は酷似してる |
– Not similar. The same. | 酷似じゃない 同じだ |
– What have you kept out of the papers? | 報道以外の情報は? |
– He smashes mirrors and uses the pieces. | 鏡を割り 破片を凶器に |
Wears latex gloves, so we’ve got no prints. Size 11 shoe. | ゴム手袋使用 指紋なし 靴のサイズは11 |
He’s not too comfortable with locks. | 錠前破りは苦手らしく― |
Pried open a patio door in Birmingham, used a glass cutter in Atlanta. | こじ開けるか ガラス・カッターを使用 |
Oh… and his blood’s AB positive. | もう1つ 血液はABプラス |
– Somebody hurt him? | ケガをした? |
– Nope. | いや |
We typed him from semen and saliva. He’s a secretor. | 精液と唾液からの判定だ 分泌型の奴でね |
Tell me something, Will. You knew what this was. | どういう事件か 読めてたはずだ |
Did you ever consider picking up the phone and giving me a call? | おれに電話する気は? |
– You’ve got all the people you need. You’ve got Dortmund up at Harvard. You got Bloom in Chicago. | 優秀なスタッフがいるだろう? ドルトムンドにブルーム |
– And I’ve got you down here fixing fuckin’ boat motors? | 君はボートの修理か? |
– Yeah, I like fixing boat motors. | それが趣味でね |
I wouldn’t be very useful to you anyway. | 君らとは― |
I don’t think about this stuff anymore. – Really? | 縁を切ったんだ |
The last two we had, you caught. | 何人もの犯人(ホシ)を挙げて? |
– Yeah, by doing the same things that you and the other guys are doing. | 君らにだって出来る |
– That’s not entirely true, Will. It’s the way you think. | 君の考え方はマネできない |
– Oh, come on. There’s been a lot of bullshit about the way I think. | 僕のやり方を過大評価するな |
– I’ve got technicians that can examine evidence, but you’ve got that other thing. | 君には鑑識の専門家にはない― |
Imagination, projection. | 柔軟な想像力がある |
– Yeah. – Whatever. | 柔軟な想像力がある その指摘が嫌いでもね |
I know you don’t like that part of it. | その指摘が嫌いでもね |
– Yeah, you wouldn’t like it, either. | そう 聞きたくない |
– This freak killed the Jacobis in Birmingham on Saturday night, February 25th– full moon. | バーミングハムのジャコビ一(いっ)家 凶行は2月25日 満月の夜だ |
He killed the Leeds family in Atlanta a few nights ago, March 28th. That’s one day short of a lunar month. | アトランタのリーズ一(いっ)家は 3月28日 満月の1日前 |
So if we’re lucky, we may have a little over three weeks before he does it again. | 次の満月まで幸い3週間ある |
Will, do you respect my judgment? | おれを信用するかい? |
– Yeah, of course. | もちろん |
– I think we have a better chance to catch him fast if you help. | 君の協力が解決の鍵だ |
Go to Atlanta and look. | アトランタへ |
Just look. Then help me brief the locals. That’s it. | 現場を見るだけでいい 現地の連中に助言してくれ |
– (woman) Crawford has the whole damn government. What does he need you for? | クロフォードには 政府が付いてるわ |
– He just wants me to look at some evidence, Molly. Give him another point of view. | でも僕が証拠を見れば 新しい見方が期待できると |
You know, it’s, it’s– a few days, a week maybe, and I’ll be right back. | 数日か 長くて1週間で戻れる |
– And you believed that? | おめでたい! |
– Yes. | 本当だよ |
I mean, look, these kinds of cases come up very rarely and I’ve had experience. | これはまれな事件だ 僕は経験があるから… |
– Yes, you have. | そう 経験がね |
You’re paid up, Will. All of us… even Josh. | あなたは充分にやったわ 私とジョシュもね |
– There’s a chance that I could help them save some lives. | 人命を救えるかもしれない |
How do I say no to that? | 断れるか? |
This one… This one will never see me or know my name. | 犯人は僕の顔を見ず 僕の名を知ることもない |
I’ll just help them find him. The cops’ll have to take him down, not me. | 手伝うだけ 逮捕するのは連中だ |
Come on, I’ll be in the back of the pack, Molly, I promise. | 僕は表に出ない 約束するよ モリー |
– Never in your life. | そんな約束! |
I know you. | 守れないくせに |
– Come on. Come here. | こっちにおいで |
I love you. | 愛してるよ |
I’ll see you in a few days. – Okay. | 数日で戻る |
– I’ll call you tonight. | 今夜 電話する |
– Bye, Dad! | バーイ パパ! |
– Where’s the dog? No one heard barking. There’s nothing about it in the case file. | 犯行時に犬は どこに? 誰も吠える声を聞いていない |
The intruder enters in the dark and cuts Charles Leeds’ throat. | 犯人は暗闇で 夫チャールズのノドを裂き― |
He shoots Valerie Leeds in the stomach as she’s rising, disabling her, but not killing her. | 目覚めた妻ヴァレリーの腹を 死なぬ程度に撃った |
He leaves her to watch her husband die, then turns and goes down the hall. | 目の前で夫が死ぬのを 見てる妻… 犯人は廊下へ |
The children were– | 子供たちは… |
The children were still in their beds when they were shot, which might indicate that he used a silencer. | 子供たちはベッドで殺された サイレンサー使用の可能性 |
He dragged the bodies into the master bedroom, but why bother? | 死体は両親の寝室へ なぜか? |
They were already dead and none of them got the same… | 子供たちは死んでて 母親のように― |
extra attention as Mrs. Leeds. | もてあそばれた形跡はない |
Small pieces of mirror were inserted in the orbital sockets of the victims. | 鏡の破片が 被害者の眼孔(がんこう)の中へ― |
This occurred post-mortem. | 死後 入れられた |
Why did you put mirrors in their eyes? | なぜ目に鏡の破片を? |
The– the pieces of mirror make their eyes look alive. | 鏡は目に生気を与える! |
He– he wanted an audience. | 被害者を並べて 観客に仕立てたんだ! |
He– he wanted them all lined up, watching him when he– | 被害者を並べて 観客に仕立てたんだ! そして夫人を もてあそんだ |
when he touched her. | そして夫人を もてあそんだ |
When he touched her. | もてあそんだ |
Touched, touched… | 触る… 触る… |
There was talcum powder. | タルカム・パウダーだ |
“Mrs. Leeds had traces of talcum found on her right inner thigh. | “夫人の内股に タルカム・パウダー…” |
“A complete search of the home led to no such matching talcum in the house.” | “被害者宅に タルカム・パウダーはなかった” |
You took your gloves off, didn’t you? You son of a bitch! | ゴム手袋を脱いだんだ! |
You took your gloves off, you touched her with your bare hand and then you wiped her down. | 素手で彼女の体を なで回した |
But when the gloves were off, did you open her eyes? | 彼女の目にも触った? |
– Hey– are the Leeds’ bodies still at the morgue? – Yeah. | リーズ家の遺体は残ってる? |
– Who do we have down here that’s really good with latent prints? | 指紋採取は誰が? |
– Atlanta PD. | 鑑識が― |
But they’ve already printed the bodies. | やったよ |
– Not the bodies. Tell them to check the eyes. | 遺体の指紋じゃない |
Mrs. Leeds’ eyes. Even her corneas. | 夫人の眼球だよ 角膜も |
I– I think he took his gloves off, Jack. I think he had to touch her. | 犯人は素手で彼女に触った |
– Jesus, Will… | そりゃ 本当か? |
– (man) Gentlemen, ladies… | “アトランタ警察本部” |
This is what the subject’s teeth look like. The impressions came from bite marks on Mrs. Leeds. | 夫人の肌の咬み跡から取った 犯人の歯型だ |
This degree of crookedness, | この歯並びの悪さ |
plus the groove in this central incisor, | 中央門歯の この隙間 |
makes his bite signature unique. | 非常に特徴がある |
– Fuckin’ shark. | サメだな |
– Knock it off. | 静かに! |
We’re grateful for the Bureau’s involvement. They have a great deal of expertise in this area. | 経験豊富なFBIの参加に 感謝しよう |
In particular, Investigator Graham does. Isn’t that right, Jack? | 特にグレアム捜査官は ベテランだろ? |
– Yes, sir. | そうです |
– Anything you want to add, Mr. Graham? | グレアム君から何か? |
Why don’t you come on up to the front, please? | 前で話したまえ |
– Mrs. Leeds and Mrs. Jacobi were the primary targets. | 犯人の狙いは両家の夫人で― |
The others were killed just to complete his fantasy. | 後は彼の夢想を 満たすためだけ |
Now, I know that might be hard to accept given what you saw, | 現場を見た君らの目には― |
but this was not random. | “血に狂った犯行”と |
This wasn’t some killing frenzy. He was never out of control. | 実際は冷静に計画された 犯行なのです |
These attacks were highly organized, the women carefully chosen. | 犠牲者の女性は 慎重に選ばれてる |
We don’t know how he’s choosing them, or why. | その選択基準は不明 |
They lived in different states and they never met. But there is some connection. | 違う州に住み 面識もない だが何か共通点がある |
There’s some common factor, and that’s the key. | その特定が事件の鍵です |
Find out what that is and we’ll save lives, | 人命を救う鍵です |
‘cause this one is gonna go on and on, | 犯人は― 我々が“頭脳か幸運”で彼を 挙げるまで犯行を繰り返し― |
until we get smart or we get lucky. | 我々が“頭脳か幸運”で彼を 挙げるまで犯行を繰り返し― |
He won’t stop. | やめません |
– Why not? | どうして? |
– Because it makes him God. Would you give that up? | “自分は神になれる”と 思う者が断念します? |
– You asked about the dog. | 犬の件だが― |
Last night a vet called us. Leeds and his oldest boy brought the dog in | 事件の前日 あの家の長男が 動物病院へ連れて行った |
the afternoon before they were killed. | 事件の前日 あの家の長男が 動物病院へ連れて行った 腹部に刺し傷があって― |
Had a puncture wound to its abdomen. | 腹部に刺し傷があって― |
The vet had to put it down. | 獣医が安楽死させた |
– Was the dog wearing a collar with the Leeds’ address on it? | 住所付き首輪をしてた? |
– No. | いいや |
– Did the Jacobis in Birmingham have a dog? | ジャコビ家にも犬が? |
No dog. | いや |
They found a litter box in the basement, cat droppings in it, no cat. | 猫のトイレがあったが 猫はいなかった |
– If the cat was attacked, the Jacobis might have buried it. | 殺されて家族が埋めたのかも |
Ask Birmingham to check that backyard. | 裏庭を調べさせてくれ |
And tell them to use a methane probe, it’s faster. | メタンガス感知器を使えと |
It’s for you. | あんたにだ |
– Crawford. | クロフォードだ |
Carl, you’re the light of my life. | カール 君は天才だ |
Would it hold up in court? | 法的証拠になるか? |
Okay– great work. | いいぞ よくやった |
They found a print on Mrs. Leeds’ left eye. Partial thumb. | 夫人の左目に 親指の指紋の一部が |
– Other than that, there’s nothing else that I can tell you. | 今のところ コメントは以上 |
Thank you very much for your time. | 今のところ コメントは以上 以上だ |
I’m sorry, I cannot answer any more questions. | 以上だ |
– Will Graham! Remember me? Freddy Lounds. | グレアム 覚えているか? フレディ・ラウンズだ |
I, uh, covered the Lecter case for the “Tattler.” Did the paperback. | タトラー紙にレクターの記事を |
– Yeah, I remember. | 覚えてる |
– When did they bring you in, Will? What do you got? | いつから この事件に? |
You think the Tooth Fairy will be an even bigger story than Lecter? I mean, he’s already beaten Lecter’s score– | “咬みつき魔”は すでに レクターの記録を破った |
– Hey, hey, you write lying shit, Lounds, and the “Tattler” is an asswipe! | あのインチキ新聞に また嘘八百を書くのか? |
You stay away from me. | 失せろ |
– Get away, Lounds. Go on. | 消えろ ラウンズ |
– How about an exclusive? | 独占取材を! |
– Sorry about that. | すまない |
That guy snuck into the hospital and took those pictures of me. Remember? With the tubes hanging out of me? | 病院にもぐり込んで紙面に チューブ姿の僕を掲載した |
– Forget that prick. | ほっとけ |
Give yourself some credit. | “咬みつき魔”を― |
When we catch the Tooth Fairy… that print plus his teeth will burn him. You did that, Will. | 挙げることができたら 目の指紋と歯型のお陰だよ |
The evidence was there, Jack. I mean, it was right there for anybody to see. | 誰の目にも 見える所にあった証拠さ |
– But nobody else did. | 誰が気付いた? |
All I’m sayin’ is, that was very good work. | 君ならではの仕事だ |
– No, good work would be seeing it all the way through and catching the guy. | 事件を追って ホシを挙げなきゃ |
And I can’t do that. | でも僕は出来ない |
I did what you asked me to do. | 僕は ここまでだ |
I’m going home. | 家に帰る |
I mean, I don’t even have any idea who this guy is. | ホシが どういう奴なのか |
You know, that stuff I just gave them was broad strokes. | 僕には まだ顔も見えてない |
He’s got no face to me. | 僕には まだ顔も見えてない そう言ってて ギャレット・ホッブスを逮捕した |
– That’s what you said about Garrett Hobbs, remember? And you figured him out. | そう言ってて ギャレット・ホッブスを逮捕した |
– No, I didn’t. | 違うね |
– You didn’t? | 違う? |
– No, I was stuck on Hobbs. | 僕は行き詰まってた |
– I had help. | 助けがあった |
– From Lecter. | レクターか? |
– Yeah. | そう |
Jack, don’t play games with me, man. | ジャック ゲームは よせ |
Don’t do it. | 何か言いたいなら― |
If there’s something on your mind, come out and say it. | 何か言いたいなら― 言えよ |
– I’m saying maybe we’ve got a resource we ought to look into. | 使えるものは使った方がいい |
– Is that what this was about? Have you been walking me through the rest of this | 僕を誘ったのは それが目的か? |
just so you could ask me that? – Don’t get mad at me, I’m just doing my job. If you know a better shortcut, let me know it. | 怒るな もっといい方法が あるなら教えてくれ |
If you think there’s any chance he’ll talk to me, I’ll go myself. | おれが訪ねても 奴は無視するだけ |
If you tell me you can’t handle it, God knows I’d understand that. | 君がイヤなら あきらめるよ |
– (man) As a research subject, | 〝ボルティモア州立病院 精神科〞 〝ボルティモア州立病院 精神科〞 研究対象として レクターには お手あげ |
Lecter has proven most disappointing. | 〝ボルティモア州立病院 精神科〞 研究対象として レクターには お手あげ |
He’s simply impenetrable to psychological testing. | どんな心理テストも 歯が立たない |
Rorschach, thematic apperception. He folds them into origami. | ロールシャッハ・テストも 統覚検査もオリガミと化す |
As you see. | この通り |
So you can imagine the stir your little visit is causing among my staff, Mr. Graham. | 医師たちは君の訪問を 興味津々(しんしん)の目で見守ってる |
If you’d care to share some insights– | 聞き出したことを… |
– Dr. Chilton, I’m sorry. I’ve got a 4:17 flight back to Atlanta. | チルトン博士 帰途便は4時17分なので… |
– Of course. | そうだった |
Tell me, when you saw Lecter’s murders, their style, so to speak, | 君はレクターの 犯行手口から― |
were you able, perhaps, to reconstruct his fantasies? | 彼が描く幻想を 彼の気持ちになって想像し― |
And, if so, did you jot down any impressions? | 書き留めているのか? |
– No. | いいえ |
– Let me be frank, Mr. Graham. | 言うまでもなく― |
The first definitive analysis of Lecter will be a publisher’s wet dream. | レクターの分析記録は 出版社の争奪戦となる |
I’d give you full credit, of course. | 君の名前で本を出せ |
Oh, damn it, man, you must have some advice. | 教えてくれ |
You caught him. What was your trick? | 彼を逮捕した秘策は何だ? |
– I let him kill me. | 命を賭けた |
That’s the same atrocious aftershave you wore in court. | 法廷で嗅いだ安ローションだ |
– I keep getting it for Christmas. | クリスマスの贈り物でね |
– Christmas, yes. Did you get my card? | クリスマスか 私のカードは届いたかね? |
– I got it, thank you. | 頂いたよ ご親切にFBIが 送ってくれたか |
– So nice of the Bureau’s crime lab to forward that. | ご親切にFBIが 送ってくれたか |
They wouldn’t give me your home address. | 君の住所は “教えぬ”と |
– Dr. Bloom sent me your article on surgical addiction in “The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry.” | あなたの“外科技術嗜癖”の 論文を読んだ |
– And? | それで? |
– Very interesting, even to a layman. | 素人の僕にも面白かった |
– You say you’re a layman. | 君が素人だって? |
But it was you who caught me. | 私を捕まえたのは君だ |
Wasn’t it, Will? | 違ったかね? |
Do you know how you did it? | なぜ それが出来たか |
– I got lucky. | 運です |
– I don’t think you believe that. | ふざける気か? |
– It’s in the transcript. What does it matter now? | 今更 何の意味が? |
– It doesn’t matter to me, Will. | そう 私には無意味だ |
– I need your advice, Dr. Lecter. | 助言がほしい |
– Birmingham and Atlanta. | バーミングハムとアトランタ? |
You want to know how he’s choosing them, don’t you? – I thought you’d have some ideas. | 犯人が犠牲者を どう選ぶか? |
I’m asking you to tell me what they are. | あなたの考えを伺いたい |
– Why should I? | 言う義理が? |
– There are things you don’t have. Research materials. Maybe even computer access. I’d speak to the Chief of Staff. | 資料やパソコンが必要なら 責任者の許可をもらいます |
– Ah, yes, Dr. Chilton. | あのチルトン博士か |
Gruesome, isn’t he? | とんでもない男だ |
He fumbles at your head like a freshman pulling at a panty girdle. | 人の頭の中を 乱暴に引っ掻き回す |
If you recall, Will, our last collaboration ended rather messily. | 君と私の最後の共同作業は とんだ結末を迎えた |
You’d get to see the file on this case. And there’s another reason. | 捜査資料を提供します きっと興味が… |
– I’m all ears. | どうしてだね? |
– I thought you might enjoy the challenge. Find out if you’re smarter than the person I’m looking for. | 犯人より頭がいいことを 証明する喜びが得られる |
Then, by implication, you think you’re smarter than I am, | 私を捕まえた君は 私より頭がいい |
since it was you who caught me. | そう言いたいのか? |
– No, I know I’m not smarter than you. | とんでもない |
– Then how did you catch me? | 逮捕しただろ? |
– You had… disadvantages. | あなたには― 不利な点が |
– What disadvantages? | どういう点だね? |
– You’re insane. | あなたは狂人だ |
– You’re very tanned, Will. | 君は日焼けしている |
And your hands are so rough. Not like a cop’s hands anymore. | 手はガサガサ 刑事の手じゃない |
And that shaving lotion is something a child would select. | 子供が選びそうな そのローション |
Has a little ship on the bottle, does it not? | ラベルに帆船の絵が? |
And how is young Josh and the lovely Molly? | 幼いジョシュと美しいモリー |
They’re always in my thoughts, you know. | 私は いつも2人を想ってる |
You will not persuade me with appeals to my intellectual vanity. | 私をおだてたってムダだよ |
– I don’t think I’ll persuade you at all. You’ll either do it or you won’t. | おだててなど ご返事は? |
– Is that the case file? | それが資料? |
– Yes. | ええ |
– With photos? Let me keep them and I might consider it. | 写真も置いてったら考えよう |
– No. | やめます |
– Do you dream much, Will? | 君は夢を見るかね? |
– Goodbye, Dr. Lecter. | 失礼します |
– You haven’t threatened to take away my books yet! | “本を取り上げる”と脅さんのか? |
Give me the file, then. | 資料を置いてくがいい |
And I’ll tell you what I think. | 読んで考えを言おう |
I’ll need one hour, and privacy. | 1時間 独りにしてくれ |
Just like old times, eh, Will? | 昔に戻った気がしないか? |
This is a very shy boy, Will. | とても内向的な男だ |
I’d love to meet him. | 会ってみたい |
Have you considered the possibility that he is disfigured or that he may believe he is disfigured? | 彼は“自分を醜い”と思ってる そう思わんか? |
– Yeah, the mirrors. | あの鏡? |
– Yes, you notice he smashes all the mirrors in the houses, not just enough to get the pieces he wants. | 必要な破片は充分あるのに 家中の鏡を割ってる |
And, of course, those shards in their eyes, so he can see himself there. | 被害者の目の中の破片は 自分を見るため |
– That’s interesting. | 面白い |
– That’s not interesting. You thought of that before. | 君も気付いただろ? |
– I had considered it. – Uh-huh. | 頭には浮かんだ |
– What about the women? | 女たちは? |
– Dead? Mere puppets. | 死体になったら人形だ 彼女たちが― |
You need to see them living, the way they caught his eye. | 死体になったら人形だ 彼女たちが― 生きてる姿を想像しろ |
– That’s impossible. | ムリだ |
– Almost, not quite. | 想像できるさ |
What were the yards like? | 庭の説明を |
– Big backyards, fenced, some hedges– why? | 広い裏庭だ 柵と生け垣 なぜ? |
– Because if this pilgrim feels a special relationship with the moon, | 月にこだわる巡礼者(ピルグリム)なら― |
he might like to go outside and look at it. | 外で月を見たいと思うはずだ |
You ever seen blood in the moonlight, Will? It appears quite black. | 月の光で見る血は 真っ黒なんだよ |
If one were nude, say, it would be better to have outdoor privacy for that sort of thing. | もし彼が裸なら そういう時は プライバシーが必要だろ? |
– You think the yards might be a factor when he selects victims? | 庭が犠牲者の選択に関係が? |
– Oh, yes. And there will be more of them, of course. | あるとも これからも増え続けるよ |
Victims. | 犠牲者がね |
So you’ll be wanting lots of these little chinwags, I take it. | もっと おしゃべりをしたいか? |
– I might not have time. | 時間がない |
– I do. I have oodles. | 私には いっぱい時間がある |
– I need your opinion now. | あなたの意見を |
– And here’s one. | じゃ 言おう 君は恐怖の虜だ |
You stink of fear under that cheap lotion. | じゃ 言おう 君は恐怖の虜だ 安ローションの匂いと恐怖 |
You stink of fear, Will, but you’re not a coward! | 安ローションの匂いと恐怖 だが勇気はある |
You fear me, but still you came here. | 私を恐れつつ ここを訪れ― |
You fear this shy boy, yet still you seek him out. | その内向的な男を 捕まえようとしてる |
Don’t you understand, Will? | 私を捕まえたのは― |
You caught me because we’re very much alike. | 君と私が似通ってるからだ |
Without our imaginations, we’d be like all those other poor dullards. | 想像力がなきゃ 私も君も 世のマヌケどもと同じ |
Fear is the price of our instrument. | 想像力の支払う代償は恐怖だ |
But I can help you bear it. | その重荷を軽くしてやろう |
– You getting his face? – Yeah. – Okay, you got it? | ちゃんと顔を撮ったか? |
– Yeah. – All right, let’s get the fuck out of here. | 引き上げよう |
– (Crawford) You sure you’re okay? | 大丈夫か? |
– Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. | ああ 大丈夫 |
– What do you think he meant by “see them living”? | “生きてる姿を想像しろ”? |
– I don’t know. | そう言った |
I don’t know, maybe nothing. It’s hard to separate his bullshit. | 彼は人を煙に巻く癖がある |
But I’m gonna make another pass at the Leeds’ house. | もう一度 リーズ家へ行く |
(jaunty piano music) | “記念ビデオ” “リーズ家集合 出演” |
– (man) All right, Duchess, doll, that’s it. Show me what you can do. | ダッチェス 行け |
Who’s that? Get ‘em, Duchess. | 誰か来たぞ |
Get ‘em, Duch! Go get ‘em, Duchie! Go get ‘em, girl! | さあ お戻りだぞ 迎えに行け! |
And… action! | アクション! |
– (girl) Hi! – What are you doing? | チャールズったら! |
– Hey, gang. | お帰り! |
– How is everybody doing? | 楽しかったか? |
– Hi, Daddy. | パパ! |
– That’s my girl. | お帰り |
– Hi, Daddy. – Hi, honey. | パパ! |
– Hi, Dad. | ただいま! |
– And, sweetie? | ハニー |
– I am not ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille. | ちょっと! アップは やめて |
Well, what do you think? | いいわ これで どう? |
Get closer… get closer. A little closer. | もっと寄って もっと近くに |
You know, I think maybe we’d better put these kids to bed a little early tonight. | 子供たちを寝かせて |
– (laughs) – They seem tired. | 疲れているみたいよ |
You stop it! I’m telling my mother on you. | ママに言いつけるわよ! |
– Now I get my kiss. | さあ キスを |
– All right, you want a kiss? – I want a kiss, the big romantic kind. | 甘~いキスをね |
– (man) Won’t nobody get in through here again. I’ll guaran-damn-tee it. | もう ここからは 誰も入れんぞ |
– Why didn’t he break in down there? It’s more hidden. | あっちの方が目立たないのに |
– Hell, that door’s got deadbolts. Reckon he was in too big a hurry. | あの錠前は時間がかかる |
– No, this one doesn’t hurry. | 時間は あったはずだ |
You sat right here, didn’t you? | ここに座っていたんだな? |
You watched the children bury the cat, | ここに座っていたんだな? 子供たちが猫を 埋めてるのを見て 夜を待った |
then you waited for dark. | 子供たちが猫を 埋めてるのを見て 夜を待った |
You’re proud. You had to sign your work. | 得意気にサインまで? |
– (boy, echoing) Grandma? Grandma? | おばあちゃん ごめんよ |
I’m sorry. | 許して |
– (woman) Oh, Francis. I’ve never seen a child as dirty and disgusting as you. | フランシス! 何て子なの! ムカついて吐きそう! |
Look at you! You’re soaking wet! Get out of my bed. | 濡れてるわ そばに来ないで! |
– No. – Go back up to your room. | 部屋に戻りなさい! |
– Grandma, you’re hurting me! | 痛いよォ! |
– Shut up, you filthy little beast! I should have put you in an orphanage, grandson or not. | お黙り! たとえ孫でも 施設へ入れときゃよかった |
You’re hurt… hurting me! | 痛いよ おばあちゃん やめて! |
– Into the bathroom! Take off your nightshirt and wipe yourself off. | お風呂に行って 体を拭きなさい |
Hurry up! | 早く! |
Now give me my scissors from the medicine chest. | そこのハサミを取って |
– Please, no! – Take that filthy thing in your hand and stretch it out. | ソレを手で引っ張りなさい |
– No, Grandma. | やめて! |
– Please! – Look down. Do you want me to cut it off? | これをチョン切ってほしい? |
Do you? | やめて! |
– I pledge you my word, Francis. If you ever make your bed dirty again, I’ll cut it off. Do you understand? | 今度 おねしょをしたら これをチョン切るわよ! |
– I’ll be a good boy. | もう しないよ |
I’ll be a good boy, I promise. | 約束する もう しないから… |
– Good morning, Will. So nice of you to visit again. | おはよう ウィル よく来たな |
– He carved this on a tree near the Jacobi house… with a buck knife. | ジャコビ家のそばの木に これが刻まれてた |
– The same one later used on Charles Leeds. | 凶器に使ったナイフか? |
– Yes. | ああ |
Take a walk with me. | 一緒に少し歩こう |
– He had a second tool, too. A bolt cutter. | 彼はボルト・カッターを 持ってて― |
He used that to clear his view. | ジャマな枝を切った |
– But? | だが? |
– But I don’t think that’s what he brought it for. | カッターの目的は別だ |
Too heavy. Too… too awkward. And he had to carry it a long way. | 持ちにくくて重いカッターを なぜ運んだのか |
– And what do we make of that symbol? | そして あの文字は? |
– Asian Studies at Langley identified it as a Chinese character. | FBIの専門家は 中国の文字だと |
It appears on a mahjong piece. It marks the Red Dragon. | 麻雀のパイで 意味は“レッド・ドラゴン” |
– Red Dragon. Correct. This boy begins to interest me. | “レッド・ドラゴン”か なかなか面白い |
– Doctor, we don’t know what greater meaning the symbol might have– | その他に 文字に意味が? |
– Do you like my little exercise cage, Will? | この運動を どう思う? |
My so-called lawyer is always nagging Dr. Chilton for better accommodations. | 私の弁護士は “チルトン博士に抗議する”と |
I don’t know which is the greater fool. | どっちもバカ者だ |
– Perhaps if you could offer some insight into… | あなたの分析を |
– “A robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage.” | “赤い胸の駒鳥(こまどり)は 楽園を怒りに導く” |
Ever been a redbreast, Will? Of course you have. | 赤い胸の駒鳥に なったことがあるかね? |
I’m allowed 30 minutes in here, once a week. Get to the point. | 面会時間は週に30分だ 要点を言いたまえ |
– I think he meant to use the bolt cutter to enter the house, but he didn’t. | 奴はボルト・カッターを 使わずに― |
Instead he broke in through the patio doors. | 中庭のドアから侵入した |
The noise woke Jacobi, and he had to shoot him on the stairs. That wasn’t planned. | ジャコビが目を覚まし 彼を階段で射殺 |
It was sloppy, and that’s not like him. | ずさんだ 奴らしくない |
We mustn’t judge too harshly, Will. It was his first time. | そりゃ キビしいよ 初めての犯行だから |
Have you never felt a sudden rush of panic? | パニックは誰にもある |
Yeah, that’s the fear we talked about. | この間 話した恐怖だ |
It takes experience to master it. | 抑えるには経験が必要だ |
You sensed who I was back when I was committing what you call my crimes. | あの頃 君は私に薄々 疑惑を感じてた |
– Yes. | ええ |
– So you were hurt | だから― |
not by a fault in your perception or your instincts, but because you failed to act on them until it was too late. | 早く行動に出なかったことを 悔やんだはずだ |
– You could say that. | 確かに |
– But you’re wiser now. | 1つの教訓だ |
– Yes. | ええ |
– Imagine what you would do, Will, if you could go back in time. | 今の君なら あの時 どうした? |
– Put two in your head before you could palm that stiletto. – Mm-hmm. | 刺される前に発砲した |
Very good, Will. | それが正解だ |
(mock Southern accent) You know, I believe we’re making progress. | 学んで利口になっていく |
And that’s what our pilgrim is doing. | 巡礼者(ピルグリム)も同じだよ |
He is refining his methods. He is evolving. | 殺害方法を磨き 大きく成長してる |
(normal voice) Oh, the case file mentioned videos of the Leeds family. I’d like to see those. | 資料に“一家のビデオ”とある それを見たい |
– No. – Why not? | ダメか? |
– It would be obscene. | 猥(わい)せつだ |
– You don’t make it easy, do you? Still, one aims to please. | 意地が悪いな だが協力は惜しまん |
I’ll call you if I think of anything else. Would you perhaps like to leave me your home number? | 何かヒラめいたら連絡する 自宅の電話番号は? |
– That’s the end of our session, Doctor. | 終了だ |
– For now. | 今日はね |
It was only his first time. | 最初はドジったが― |
Already in Atlanta he did much better. | 奴のアトランタの犯行は 見事だ |
Rest assured, my dear Will, this one will give you plenty of exercise. | 奴のお陰で君も経験を積み 一段と成長するよ |
My love to Molly and Josh– bye. | 奥さんと坊やに よろしく! |
– (man) Go to the back of the cell, Dr. Lecter. Face the wall. | 独房に戻れ 壁を向いて |
If you turn around before you hear the lock snap, you’ll get a dart. Understood? | 鍵の掛かる前に動いたら 麻酔矢だぞ |
– Yes, indeed. | 分かってる |
– You got ten minutes to talk to your lawyer. | 弁護士との電話は10分だ |
Starting now. | 10分だ |
– Thanks so much, Barney. | どうも バーニー |
– (man) Hello, Dr. Lecter? I have those documents you requested me– | レクター博士? この間の話だが… |
– “Robes, Robespierre, Robin… | “駒… 駒… 駒鳥!” |
“Robin, Call for… Robin, Fainting… | “駒鳥がさえずる…” “駒鳥が…” |
♪ Ta-da! ♪ “Redbreast in a cage,” 406.9. | あったわ! “赤い胸の 駒鳥…” 406ページの9 |
“A robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage.” | “赤い胸の駒鳥は 楽園に怒りを導く” |
– Yeah, that’s it. | それだ |
– William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence.” | ウイリアム・ブレイクの詩よ |
– Think you got it? | 詩集が? |
– Yeah, we should have. We have some books of Blake’s paintings, too. | あるはずよ 彼の画集も |
Want to see them? | 見たい? |
– Yeah, thanks. | ああ ぜひ |
– (woman) Psychology Department, University of Chicago. Dr. Bloom’s office. | シカゴ大 ブルーム博士の研究室 |
– Oh, hi, this is Bob Greer at Blaine and Edwards Publishing. | B&E出版社の ボブ・グリアだ |
Dr. Bloom asked me to send | ブルーム博士が “精神分析と司法”を― |
a copy of “The Psychiatrist and the Law” to Will Graham | ブルーム博士が “精神分析と司法”を― ウィル・グレアムに 1冊 贈呈するようにと |
and his assistant was supposed to give me | ウィル・グレアムに 1冊 贈呈するようにと |
the address and phone number, but, darn it, she never did. | ウィル・グレアムに 1冊 贈呈するようにと 彼の住所と電話番号を |
– Uh, gee, I’m just a temp. Linda will be in on Monday. | 私はアルバイトで… 月曜日に もう一度 |
– Gosh, and I have to catch FedEx in about five minutes. I hate to bother Dr. Bloom about it at home, | 宅配便が5分後に 本を取りに来る |
‘cause he told Linda to send it and I don’t want to get her into trouble. | 秘書から連絡が 来るはずだった |
– It’s right there in that Rolodex, or whatever. I’ll dance at your wedding if you read it to me. | 秘書のデスクの住所録に きっと記録されてる |
– Oh, I don’t know. I’m really not supposed to. | 困りますわ そう言われても… |
– Be a darling and flip that little old rascal. and I won’t take up any more of your time. | そこの住所録を めくればいいんだ |
Graham, comma, Will. | 名はウィル・グレアムだ |
– Um, all right, just a minute. | いいわ 待って |
Um, Gibson, Gordon… Graham. It doesn’t give the address of his house. | “グレアム” 自宅の住所はありません |
– What does it have, dear? | じゃ 何と? |
– FBI, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, D.C. – Yeah? | FBI ペンシルバニア通り 935番地 ワシントンDC |
– Oh, and let’s see. Here it is. | 待って… これですわ |
P.O. Box 3680, Marathon, Florida. | 私書箱 3680 フロリダ州 マラソン |
– Marathon. – Yes. | マラソンだね? |
– That’s fine. You’re an angel. | ありがとう 君は天使だ |
(machinery clicking) | “クロマラックス社 カラー現像所” |
– I’m Francis Dolarhyde. I’ve come for the package of infrared. | フランシス・ダラハイドだ 赤外線フィルムを取りに |
– Oh, right. | 待って |
Put your back against the door and come forward three steps ‘til you feel tile under your feet, | ドアに背を付けて3歩前へ… タイル張りの床があって― |
and there’s a stool just on the left. | ドアに背を付けて3歩前へ… タイル張りの床があって― 左に丸イスがあるわ |
Same Mr. D who’s head of Tech Services, am I right? | 技術サービス部の方ね? |
– I’m Reba McClane. | 私はリーバ・マクレーン |
Just a second more and I will get you some light. | すぐ明かりをつけるわ |
Okay, here we go. | いいわ もう大丈夫 |
So, what do you need the IR for? | 赤外線フィルムを何に? |
– It’s for the zoo. They want to photograph the nocturnal animals. | 動物園で使うんだ 夜行性動物の撮影でね |
– That’s great. | すてき |
I love animals. | 動物って大好きなの |
I gotta warn you, though. This stuff is pretty sensitive. | 赤外線フィルムは 扱いが面倒で |
It can be mean to handle. | 感光しやすいから |
But I guess I don’t need to tell you that. | もちろん よくご存知よね |
– Hey, Reba. Oh, Mr. D. | リーバ! ミスター・Dも? |
Whoa. I’m not interrupting anything here, am I? | おジャマじゃないだろうね? |
– No, Ralph. | いいえ ラルフ |
– Listen, Reba, it’s starting to spritz outside. How about I give you a lift home? | 表は雨だ 送って行くよ |
– You ride a motorcycle, Ralph. How’s that gonna help me with the rain? | バイクで? 濡れちゃうわ |
– I thought maybe we’d stop off someplace, have ourselves a little sundowner. | 途中で どこかに寄って 君と1杯やろうかと |
– I’ve already got a ride. | 1人で帰れるわ |
– It’s cool. That’s cool. | そうか 分かったよ |
No problemo. | ノー・プロブレム! |
– If there’s anything I hate worse than pity, it’s fake pity. | 哀れみより悪いのは うわべの哀れみ |
Especially from a walking hard-on like Ralph Mandy. | 特にラルフみたいな スケコマシのね |
Sorry. | 失礼 |
– I have no pity. | 僕に哀れみはない |
– Ride with me! | 僕の車に |
– Thanks, but I take the bus all the time. | いつもバスで帰るの |
– Mandy is a fool. | ラルフはバカ者だ |
Ride with me… | 乗れよ |
for my pleasure. | 僕のために |
– You want to come in? I’ll fix us a drink. | 寄って1杯飲んでく? |
Maybe another time. | また いつか… |
– I will… come in. | いいよ 寄ってく |
– When is the zoo project? | 動物園の撮影は いつ? |
– Maybe next week. They’ll call. | 来週かな 連絡が来る |
– I love zoos. | 動物園は大好き |
In fact, one of my earliest memories | 私の― 最初の記憶は5才の頃 クーガーを見たことなの |
is seeing a cougar, when I was about five. | 最初の記憶は5才の頃 クーガーを見たことなの |
I didn’t lose my sight ‘til I was seven– diphtheria. | 失明は7才の時 ジフテリアよ |
Could you hand me that knife? | ナイフを |
Anyway, I’ve always tried to hang on | それから― クーガーの記憶を 忘れまいと… |
to what that cougar looked like. | クーガーの記憶を 忘れまいと… |
Although by now, to tell you the truth, what I see in my head | でも今 頭に浮かぶのは― |
is probably not in the least bit like a cougar. It’s more like a donkey or a goat. | ロバかヤギに近い 動物かもね |
You know, sometimes I’m not so sure I really saw him. | 本当に見たのか… |
Maybe he’s just something I dreamed up. | 頭で作り上げたのかも |
You okay? | 大丈夫? |
– You don’t say much, do you? | 無口なのね |
– Um, no, I– I guess not. | そう 口下手でね |
– Let’s talk about something for a minute and get it out of the way, okay? | 先に気になる話を 片付けてしまいましょ |
I can hear that you’ve had… some kind of soft palate repair. | 会社の噂では あなたは― 上唇を整形したとか |
But I understand you fine because you speak very well. | でも発音は とてもきれいよ これで私が嫌いに? |
If you don’t want to talk to me, that’s cool. | これで私が嫌いに? |
But I hope that you will, because… I know what it’s like | 私は お友達になりたいわ 私も人から違う目で 見られているから |
to have people always thinking that you’re different. | 私も人から違う目で 見られているから |
– Uh-huh. Uh, well… that’s good. | その気持ち… 僕も よく分かる |
– May I touch your face? | 顔に触っても? |
I want to know if you’re smiling or frowning. | 笑ってるのか しかめ顔か |
I want to know whether I should just shut up or not. | こんな話は やめたい? |
– Take my word that I’m smiling. | 今の僕は笑っているよ |
I– I have to go. | じゃ これで… |
– If I offended you, I– I didn’t mean to. | 怒ったの? 謝るわ |
– No. | 違うよ |
– (Will) I’ve been to their house, yeah, | ジャコビ一家の感じが つかめない |
but I still don’t have much sense of what the Jacobis were really like. | ジャコビ一家の感じが つかめない ワシントンDC FBI本部 |
It would help me if I could see some of their personal effects. | 家にあった物を見られれば… |
Diaries, letters. Do you have those things, Mr. Metcalf? | 日記とか手紙が そちらに? |
– Oh, I sure do. I mean, other than one or two little keepsakes | ナイルズ・ジャコビが 持ち帰った― |
Niles Jacobi got. | 数点の品以外はね |
– That would be Mr. Jacobi’s surviving son by his first wife? | ジャコビ氏の 先妻との息子ですね? |
– Yeah, that’s right. | その通り 私が― |
As their executor, I keep all that stuff in the office, along with some of the smaller valuables, ‘til after probate. | それ以外の物は遺言の 検認が済むまで保管している |
But the Birmingham PD’s been all through it. | すべて警察が調査済みだ |
– Could you pack those things and ship them up to me? | まとめて僕の所へ |
I hate to ask. I know it’s a pain in the ass. | ご面倒は分かります |
– Ah, hell, probate judge is an old golfing buddy of mine. | 遺言検認の判事は 仲のいいゴルフ仲間でね |
Son, just tell me you’re gonna nail that sumbitch. | 分かった 必ずホシを挙げてくれよ |
– We’re doing our best. | 努力します |
– (Crawford) Will? | ウィル! |
– Hey, thanks, Mr. Metcalf, thanks. | メトカーフさん お礼を |
– A note hidden in Lecter’s cell. Sounds like a fan letter, might’ve been mailed by the Tooth Fairy. | レクターの房(ぼう)で ホシからと思われる手紙が |
He wants Lecter’s approval. He’s curious about you. He’s asking questions. | ファンレターっぽくて 君のことも… |
I’ve already scrambled a chopper. | ヘリを手配した |
– Does Lecter know we have the note? | レクターは? |
– Not yet– it was found during a routine cleanup. | バレたことを知らない |
– They don’t open his mail? | 手紙の検閲は? |
– Can’t– need a warrant. | 手紙の検閲は? X線検査だけだ |
X-rays only. | X線検査だけだ |
– Where’s Lecter now? | 今 彼は? |
– Still in the holding cage. | 別室に |
– Can he see his cell from there? | 房が見える? |
– No, but he’s already been there almost half an hour. Pretty soon he’ll start to wonder what’s wrong. | 見えないが これ以上 待たすと疑う |
– We gotta buy time, Jack. | 時間を稼ぐんだ |
– Yes? – Call your building superintendent or engineer, whoever’s in charge. | チルトン博士 独房の廊下の ブレーカーを切って― |
Tell him to pull the circuit breakers on Lecter’s hall. | 停電状態に |
Have the super walk down the hall past the holding cell carrying tools. | レクターのいる部屋の前を― |
He’ll be in a hurry, pissed off, too busy to answer any questions, got it? | 修理技師が道具箱を持って 急ぎ足で通る |
And don’t forget, don’t touch the note, okay? | 隠されてた手紙に 触らぬよう! |
– Graham’s on his way. | グレアムが行く |
– Listen up! | よく聞け! |
We’ve got a note coming in on the fly, possibly from the Tooth Fairy. | “咬みつき魔”からと思われる 手紙が ここに届く |
Number one priority. | すべてに優先させろ |
It has to go back to Lecter’s cell within the hour, unmarked. | 1時間以内に レクターの房に戻すのだ |
We’ll need Hair and Fiber, Latent Prints, then Documents. | 髪の毛 繊維 指紋 手紙の文章 何も見逃すな |
I’ll walk it through myself. Let’s go, people! | よし グズグズするな! |
– (Dolarhyde) “My dear Dr. Lecter. | “敬愛するレクター博士” |
“I wanted to tell you, “I’m delighted that you’ve taken an interest in me. | “私への関心に感謝いたします” |
“And when I learned of your vast correspondence, | “たくさんの手紙を 受け取る あなたに―” |
“I thought, ‘Dare I?’ | “たくさんの手紙を 受け取る あなたに―” “私が手紙を出しても?” |
“Of course I do. | “でも書きます” |
“I don’t believe you’ll tell them who I am. | “あなたは口が堅い” |
“Besides, what particular body I currently occupy is trivial. | “それに今の私の この肉体は無意味” |
“The important thing is what I am becoming. | “私は変身しつつあるのです” |
“I know that you alone can understand this transformation. | “あなたなら 理解できるでしょう” |
“I have some things I’d love to show you. | “いろいろ お目にかけたくー” |
“If circumstances permit, I hope we can correspond. | “できることなら 文通を続けたく思います” |
“I have admired you for years “ and have a complete collection of your press notices. | “私は長年 あなたを尊敬し 記事を集めていますが―” |
“Actually, I think of them as unfair reviews. | “不当な論評ばかりです” |
“As unfair as mine. | “私も同じ目に” |
“They do like to sling “demeaning nicknames, don’t they? | “連中がつける不愉快な あだ名” |
“‘The Tooth Fairy.’ “What could be more inappropriate? | “「咬みつき魔」とは もってのほか” |
“It would shame me for you to read that, | “同じ目に遭った あなたなら―” |
“if I didn’t know you had suffered | “お分かりでしょう” |
the same distortions in the press.” | “お分かりでしょう” 毎日 どこかが故障! |
– I’m fed up with this bloody stupid building! | 毎日 どこかが故障! |
Every day something breaking. | こんなボロ・ビル! |
I swear they ought to tear the whole fucking place down. | 早く取り壊しちまえ! |
– How much longer do we have? | あと何分? |
– Ten minutes max. | 10分 |
– Instructions for answering | 返答方法は― |
were probably in the section that Lecter tore out. I don’t get it– why not just throw the whole note away? | 破り捨てられてる なぜ この部分だけ保管を? |
– It was full of compliments. He couldn’t bear to part with them. | 甘い お世辞を 取っておきたかったのさ |
– Now we can mash just a little. | もう少し 圧力を加えよう |
You’re so sly. | お前は頭がいい |
But so am I. | 僕も負けんぞ |
Aniline dyes and colored inks are transparent to infrared. | アニリン染料と色インキは― 赤外線で読む |
These could be the tips of T’s here and here. | これと これは“T”の先端 |
On the end, that’s a “P,” or possibly an “R.” | この字は“P”か― でなきゃ“R” |
Maybe this is where he’s telling Lecter how to answer him. | 奴への返答方法だ |
– Jack, there’s only one way to carry on a conversation that’s one-way blind. | 人に読まれぬ 安全な文通方法は? |
– Publication. | 刊行物 |
Wait a minute. | 待て ホシは― |
We know this sweetheart reads the “Tattler.” | 待て ホシは― “タトラー”を読んでる |
That’s in his note, right? | “タトラー”を読んでる |
“The Tooth Fairy,” they made that up. | 彼らが“咬みつき魔”と |
– Three “T’s” and an “R” in “Tattler.” | “タトラー”には“T”と“R”が |
– So how do you communicate through a tabloid? You got what? News stories– | どのページで文通を? |
– Personals… personals. | “個人広告欄”だ |
What if the killer wants Lecter to answer him through the personal columns? | レクターの返信は そこだ! |
– That could be it. – We’re gonna need proofs | やった! |
of those pages before the next “Tattler’s” published! – I’m on it! | 次号のゲラ刷りを調べろ! |
– (Dolarhyde) “Investigator Graham interests me. | “グレアムは興味深い” |
“Not your standard gumshoe, is he? “More alert. “Purposeful-looking. | “普通の刑事と異なって鋭く 集中力のある顔をしてます” |
“You should have taught him not to meddle. | “お節介が彼の命取り” |
“Forgive the stationery. | “この便箋を選んだのは―” |
“I chose it because it will dissolve very quickly | “この便箋を選んだのは―” “飲むと すぐ溶けるからです” |
“if you should have to swallow it. | “飲むと すぐ溶けるからです” |
“If I hear from you, next time I might send you something wet. | “この次は―” “湿った物を送りましょう” |
Until then, dear Doctor, I remain your most avid fan.” | “では それまで お元気で あなたの熱烈なるファンより” |
– (Crawford) The “Tattler” got an ad order signed “666.” | “広告欄”へ投稿が… |
Baltimore postmark on the envelope. It’s set to run this afternoon. | ボルティモアの消印で 今日の夕刊に出る |
Chicago field office is sending the text through now. | このファックスが その原稿だ |
“Dear Pilgrim.” | “巡礼者(ピルグリム)へ” |
– That’s it… that’s it. Lecter called him a pilgrim when we talked. | 間違いない レクターは そう呼んでた |
– “You honor me. You’re very beautiful.” Christ! | “お褒めにあずかって光栄だ” 歯が浮くね |
“I offer 100 prayers for your safety. | “君の安全を100回祈る” |
“Find help in John 6:22, 8:16, 9:1, Luke 1:7.” | “救いはヨハネ伝6=22 8=16 9=1 ルカ伝1=7…” |
– Code. – Has to be. | 暗号だ そう |
We’ve got 19 minutes to get a message in if we can break this. | 夕刊の発売前に暗号を解き― |
The “Tattler” can’t hold its presses any longer. | 伝言を差し替えるまで19分だ |
– It’s something simple. They only needed cover against casual readers. I’m thinking it’s a book code. | 読者の目をごまかすだけの 簡単な暗号だ たぶん本だ |
– Book code? | 本って? |
– The first numeral, “100 prayers,” could be the page number. The paired numbers after could be line and letter, but what book? | “100回の祈り”は100ページ目 後の数字は行と字数 |
Not the Bible? | 聖書の? |
– No, he’s got Galatians 15:2 here. Galatians only has six chapters. Same with Jonah 6:8, Jonah has four chapters. | 違うね “ガラテヤ書15=2”? ガラテヤ書は6章しかない |
He wasn’t using a Bible. | 聖書じゃない |
Then the Tooth Fairy named the book to use. He specified it in his note, in the part Lecter tore out. | レクターが破った部分に その本の名が記されてた |
– It would appear so. | たぶんね |
What about sweating Lecter? In a mental hospital, I would think drugs… – No. | 薬物でレクターを しゃべらせたら? |
They tried sodium amytal on him three years ago, trying to find out where he buried the Princeton student. | 以前 死体のありかを 吐かせようとしたら― |
He gave them a recipe for dip. | ソースのレシピを言った |
Besides, if we sweat him, we lose the connection. | ホシも姿を消す |
– If the Tooth Fairy picked the book, then it’s something he knew Lecter would have in his cell. | とにかくレクターが 房に置いている本だ |
– Can we get a list of his books? | 本のリストを? |
– From Chilton, maybe– no, wait! | チルトンに いや 待て |
Rankin and Willingham, when they tossed his cell, took Polaroids so they could put everything back in place. | 奴の房を調べた時 ポラロイドを撮ってる |
– Ask them to meet me with pictures of his bookshelves! | 本棚の写真をくれ |
– Where? | どこへ? |
– The library! | 図書館だ! |
– Will, I’m leery of letting Lecter’s message run without knowing what it says. | 内容不明のレクターの伝言を 新聞に載せるのか? |
– I say let this one run. | 仕方ない |
We keep working on the code. | ホシは安心して― |
At least it’ll encourage the Tooth Fairy to contact him again. | またレクターに連絡する |
– What if it encourages him to do something besides write? | ホシが次の行動に出たら? |
– I don’t like this any better than you, | それが不安だが― |
but it’s our best shot. | やるっきゃない |
– Oh, my God. | 大変だ! |
– Jack, it’s Lloyd Bowman. I solved the code. You need to know what it says right now. | ボウマンだ 暗号を解いた コトだぞ |
– Okay, Lloyd. | 何と? |
– It says, “Graham home, Marathon, Florida. Save yourself, kill them all.” | “グレアムの自宅はフロリダ州 マラソン 一家を殺せ” |
– (Crawford) Bowman just broke the code. | 暗号を解読した |
– What does it say? | それで? |
– I’ll tell you in a second. Now, listen to me– everything is okay. | その前に何も心配するな |
I’ve taken care of it, so stay on the phone when I tell you. | 落ち着いて聞くんだ |
– Tell me now. | 話せ |
– Lecter gave the bastard your home address. | 君の住所が奴に |
– Wait– Will? Will! | 聞くんだ! ウィル! |
(sighs) | ママ? |
– (Molly) Is he after you now? | 狙いは あなた? |
– No, no, Lecter just suggested it to him. | まだ住所だけだよ |
I hate this. Molly, I’m… | だが こんなことに… |
I’m sorry. | 許してくれ |
– It’s a sick feeling. | 胸が凍りそう |
– I know it is. | 分かるよ |
But you’ll be safe here. Crawford’s brother owns this place. No one in the world knows you’re here. | ここは安全だ 誰も知らない クロフォードの兄の家だ |
– I’d just as soon not talk about Crawford. | クロフォードの話はしないで |
– Beneath the yellow folder, you’ll find your latest rejection slip | 黄色いフォルダーの 下の手紙は― |
from the “Archives.” It was brought to me by mistake with some of my “Archives” mail. | 君宛だった “君の論文は掲載できない”と |
I’m afraid I opened it without looking. | 知らずに開封したよ |
Sorry. | すまない |
– I think we’ll remove Dr. Lecter’s toilet seat as well. | トイレのシートも取り外せ |
– (Crawford) Atlanta PD nailed him. | あの野郎 |
He had a fake Bureau ID | リーズ家の死体解剖写真を 入手しようと― |
and was trying to get the Leeds family autopsy photos. | リーズ家の死体解剖写真を 入手しようと― FBIを名乗った |
It’s a federal beef, so Atlanta kicked him back to us. | アトランタ警察が “処置を任せる”と |
Personally, I’d like nothing better than to see this dirt sandwich pulling five at Leavenworth. | 個人的には あいつを ムショにブチ込みたいが― |
But maybe there’s a better way to handle this. | 利用する方法もある |
– Yeah, what’s that? | どうやって? |
– I think we ought to give him a story. | 記事を書かせるのさ |
– (Will) The Tooth Fairy’s ugly and he’s impotent with members of the opposite sex. | ホシは醜(ぶ)男で 女性に対しては性的不能者 |
– Uh, also, he sexually molests his male victims. | 男性の犠牲者には 性的ないたずらを |
– While they’re alive? | 殺す前に? |
– Sorry, I can’t go into those details. – Uh-huh. | 詳しいことは言えない |
– But we do also speculate that he’s the product of an incestuous home. – Mm-hmm. | それに彼は近親相姦の 家庭で育ったようだ |
– No wonder the creep’s such a loser, right? | 歪むのも当然だ |
– Uh, that’s a tip we got from Dr. Lecter, by the way. | レクター博士からの情報だ |
– All right, so it’s true that Lecter’s actually helping with your investigation? | そうか 彼の協力は本当か |
– Yes, it’s– it’s true. | そう その通り |
– Mm-hmm. – The doctor was offended that a bottom-feeding lowlife like the Tooth Fairy would consider himself in the same league. | “咬みつき魔”みたいな奴と 同格にされて腹を立ててる |
Okay, tell me about this place you got here, Will. | あんたのいる この場所は? |
Your little Washington hideaway. | ワシントンでの隠れ家か? |
– This is just an apartment I’m borrowing ‘til this creep goes down in flames. | 奴が火だるまになるまで ここにいる |
– I keep copies of all the evidence here so that I can work on it late at night. | 証拠資料をそろえて 徹夜も出来る |
Make sure you can read the name on that building. | 写真にビルの名も |
– All right, I got enough. | いいだろう |
Just remember, I scratch your back, you scratch mine. | 持ちつ持たれつで行こう |
If my story draws the Fairy into any kind of attack on Graham | おれの記事でグレアムが 襲われたら― |
and you nail the scumbag, I get an exclusive. | 独占インタビューを |
– Fuck you, Lounds. | 調子に乗るな |
When we see the story in print, t hen we’ll consider what to do about your sealed indictment. | 身分詐称の件を考慮してやる |
– Yeah, yeah. | 頼むよ |
All right, it was a pleasure doing business with you, uh… | 互いに損のない話ができた |
chumps. | じゃあな |
– I feel like I need a shower. | シャワーを浴びたい |
– You okay with this? | 満足かい? |
– Better he comes after me than Molly and Josh. So, yeah, I’m okay with it. | モリーとジョシュが 狙われるより ずっとマシだ |
– I wish we had something better, but there’s only ten days ‘til the next full moon. We’ve got to rattle his cage. | 次の満月まで10日だ 奴にゆさぶりを掛けなきゃ |
We’ll stake out this apartment, put snipers on the nearby rooftops. | この周囲に狙撃班を配置 |
Also you’ll have a moving box tail 24/7, in your car, on the street, wherever you go. | 外出の際は いつも ワゴン車が君についてる |
You’ll wear the Kevlar at all times. No exceptions. | 24時間 防弾服を着用しろ |
– You again? | あんたか |
Come back at 4:00 a.m. when I open, all right? | 開店の4時まで待て |
Hey! Hey, I told you! | やめろ! 何する! |
– What? | 何だ? |
You told me what? | 文句あるか? |
– Fucking dickhead. | このヤロー! |
Is that your fucking name on the sign? | おれの場所だぞ! |
Where am I? | ここは? |
What am I doing here? | おれは ここで何を? |
– (Dolarhyde) Atoning, Mr. Lounds. | 罪の償いだよ ラウンズ君 |
– I haven’t seen your face… so I couldn’t possibly identify you. | 君の顔は見てないよ このまま逃がしてくれ |
I work for the “National Tattler.” | おれは“ナショナル・ タトラー”の記者だ |
It would, uh, pay a big… uh, reward. | 社は おれの命と交換に 身代金を払う |
A big reward for me. | おれと交換に大金が入る |
I mean, a half a million, or a million, maybe. | 50万ドル… いや100万かも |
– Do you know who I am, Mr. Lounds? | 私を知ってるか? |
– No. | いいや |
And I– I don’t want to know. You know, believe me. | 知りたくもない 本当だ 信じてくれ |
– According to you, | 君に言わせりゃ “醜男で―” |
I’m a vicious, perverted sexual failure, | 君に言わせりゃ “醜男で―” “インポ男” “歪みきった 異常性格で最後は火だるま” |
a bottom-feeding lowlife who’s about to go down in flames. | “インポ男” “歪みきった 異常性格で最後は火だるま” |
I think you know now, don’t you? | 誰だか分かっただろ? |
Yes. | ああ |
– Do you understand what I’m doing, Mr. Lounds? | 私のしていることが 分かるか? |
– No. | いや だけど― |
Um, but I would… I’d like to. | いや だけど― 君を理解したいと 思っている |
I really want to understand, | 君を理解したいと 思っている |
and then all my readers could understand, too. | 読者にも君を理解させたい |
– I am not a man. | 私は 元は人間だったが― |
I began as one, but each being that I change | 私は 元は人間だったが― 私が変えた奴らが 私を人間以上の存在にした |
makes me more than a man, as you will witness. | 私が変えた奴らが 私を人間以上の存在にした 見せてやる |
– I don’t need to see you. No. | いや 見ないでいい |
– Oh, but you must, Mr. Lounds. You’re a reporter. | そうはいかん 記者だろ? |
You’re here to report. | しっかり報道するんだ |
Open your eyes and look at me. | 目を開いて見ろ |
– No. | イヤだ |
– If you won’t open them yourself, I’ll staple your eyelids to your forehead. | まぶたをホッチキスで 額(ひたい)に留めるぞ |
– (crying) No, I don’t want to! | やめてくれ… |
– Open your eyes! | 目を開け! |
– Oh, my dear God, Jesus! | 神様 お助けを! |
– Oh, God! | やめろ! |
Do you want to know what I am? | 私を何者だと? |
– More than anything. I was afraid to ask. | 知りたかったが 聞けなかった |
– Do you see now? | これで どうだ? |
– Yeah, I see. Oh, God. | やめてくれ… |
– Mrs. Jacobi in human form– do you see? – Yes. | これは人間だった時の ジャコビ夫人 |
– Mrs. Leeds in human form– do you see? | 人間だった時のリーズ夫人 |
– Mrs. Jacobi changing– do you see? | だが変身した |
– Oh, my God. | これは変身した― |
– Mrs. Leeds changing– do you see? | これは変身した― リーズ夫人だ |
Mrs. Jacobi reborn– do you see? | 生まれ変わったジャコビ夫人 |
Mrs. Leeds reborn. Do you see? | これは生まれ変わった リーズ夫人 |
– Please, no. | やめろ |
– No? No what? | やめろ? 何をだね? |
– Not me. | おれは― |
Not… not me. | 勘弁してくれ |
– Why did you write lies, Mr. Lounds? | なぜ嘘を書いた? |
– Graham told me to lie– Graham. | グレアムが書かせた |
It wasn’t me. | あいつが… |
– Will you tell the truth now? | 真実を書くか? |
– Yes! – About me? My work? | 私のこと 私の偉業を? |
– Oh, yes, yes. | 書くとも! |
– My becoming? | 私の変身も? |
– Yeah, your… Yeah. | もちろん… 書くとも |
– I am the Dragon, and you call me insane. | この偉大なドラゴンを “狂人だ”と? |
You are privy to a great becoming, and you recognize nothing. | 神になろうとしてる者を 目にしつつ何も見てない |
You are an ant in the afterbirth. | お前は後産(あとざん)の中のアリ1匹 |
It is in your nature to do one thing correctly. | だが君は1つだけ正しい |
Before me, you rightly tremble. | そう 私の前で震えてる |
But fear is not what you owe me, Mr. Lounds. | だが君が示すべきは 恐怖ではない |
You owe me awe. | 私には畏敬(いけい)の念を示せ! |
(tape recorder clicks) | 読め |
That’s all, Mr. Lounds. | 以上だ |
You did very well. | よくやった |
– You’ll let me go now? | 帰れるのか? |
– Soon. | じきにな |
There’s one more way I can help you to better understand. | その前に もう少し 君の理解を深めたい |
– I– I– I want to understand. I do. | そう もっと よく理解して― |
And I’m really gonna be fair from now on. | これからは もっと フェアな記事を書くよ |
You know that. | 約束する |
Hello? | いるのか? |
Oh, God, no! | 何する! やめろ! |
– (Lounds on tape) I have had a great privilege. | 〝ナショナル・タトラー社〞 “すばらしい体験だった” |
I have seen with wonder and awe | “私は この目で―” “偉大なるレッド・ドラゴンの 力を畏敬(いけい)の念と共に見た” |
the strength of the Great Red Dragon. | “偉大なるレッド・ドラゴンの 力を畏敬(いけい)の念と共に見た” |
He has helped me to understand his splendor | “彼が放つ目もくらむ輝き” |
and now I want to serve him. | “私は彼の僕(しもべ)となろう” |
He knows you made me lie, Will Graham. | “私に嘘をつかせたのは君だ グレアム” |
Because I was forced to lie, | “彼は私にかけたような 慈悲を―” |
he will be more merciful to me than to you. | “彼は私にかけたような 慈悲を―” “君には与えるまい” |
Hello? | いるのか? |
Oh, God, no! | 何する! やめろ! |
– We can let this tie us up in knots or we can learn from it. | これで我々が取り乱すか あるいは これから学び― |
Maybe even use it to catch the bastard. | 逮捕の手掛かりにするか |
– He had to have a van or panel truck to move Lounds around in that big old wheelchair. | 車イスの移動には バンかワゴン車が必要だ |
– Mm-hmm. Go on, anybody. | 他に? |
– He had to already have the wheelchair, too, or know where to get one fast. | 車イス自体が手掛かりよ |
It’s an antique, | 旧式の― |
not the kind of thing you’d find around the house. | アンティーク物よ |
– Does it strike anybody that he set this up in one hell of a hurry? | また短い時間内での計画だ |
The “Tattler” comes off the press Monday night. | 月曜の夜 新聞が出て― |
By Tuesday morning he’s in Chicago, snatching Lounds. | 火曜にはシカゴで ラウンズを誘拐 |
He either lives in the Chicago area | 住居はシカゴか― |
or he’s within a driving radius of… call it six hours. | あるいは車で半径― 6時間の地域だ |
Find out within this area where the “Tattler” was available for early distribution Monday night. | 月曜の夜に“タトラー”の 早刷りが出る地区は? |
Start with airports and all-night newsstands. | 空港 街角の売店 |
Maybe some newsie remembers an odd customer. | 販売員への聞き込み |
Lloyd, this cassette, enhance the audio. Maybe you can pick up something in the background. | テープの背景の音を特定しろ |
Beverly, Jimmy, that wheelchair, | 君らは車イスだ |
I want the maker, date, possible sources. | メーカー 製造年月日 販売先 |
Graham and I will coordinate from Chicago. Let’s hustle. | グレアムと私はシカゴへ行く |
– Look, there’s not gonna be any answers in Chicago, Jack, okay? | シカゴに行っても答えはない |
I mean, Lounds, that– that was a bonus. | つまり― この一件はハデなオマケで ホシが本来 望むものじゃない |
That was just a chance to show off. It doesn’t even fit his pattern. | この一件はハデなオマケで ホシが本来 望むものじゃない |
The Leeds and the Jacobis are– are what he needs. | 奴の望みは二(ふた)家族の惨殺 |
I think I should go back to Baltimore. | 僕はボルティモアへ |
– After what he tried to pull? | 今更? |
– I think Lecter picked up on something in the missing part of the note. | レクターは 手紙の紛失部分から― |
Maybe not a name, but something, enough to narrow the search. | 何か情報を得たのだ |
– Even if he did, he won’t tell you. | 彼は何も話さん |
– Not unless I can offer him something. | 交換条件次第さ |
– (Lecter) Congratulations, Will. | おめでとう ウィル |
That was most artistic, the way you disposed of the annoying Mr. Lounds. | 実に芸術的にラウンズ君を 始末したじゃないか |
– Your cell looks bigger with no books in it. | 本がないと ここは広い |
– Does it? I hadn’t noticed. | 本当に? 感じない |
– Oh, you will. | 今に感じるよ |
– I have other resources. | 情報源は他にもある |
Tell me, Will, did you enjoy it? Your first murder? | それで 楽しんだかね? 君の最初の殺人を |
Of course you did. And why shouldn’t it feel good? It does to God. | 気分がいいだろ? 神だって同じだ |
(mock Southern accent) Why, only last week in Texas, he dropped a whole church roof on the heads of 34 of his worshippers | 先週 テキサスで34人の 信者が賛美歌を歌ってる最中― |
just as they were groveling through a hymn. | 教会の屋根がドサッ! |
(normal voice) He wouldn’t begrudge you one journalist. | 新聞記者の1人ぐらい |
– Put me next to him, Doctor. | 彼の所在を |
– You and some SWAT team? | そこに狙撃隊を? |
Oh, Will. Where’s the fun in that? | それじゃ面白くないよ |
– He’ll have to take his chances, too. A roof can fall on anybody. | 後は奴の運命だ 屋根は誰の頭上にも落ちる |
– But not on Molly and Josh, I take it. | 君の妻子は今は安全 |
Not yet, anyway. | 奴は まずペットを殺す |
First he kills the pet, then the family. | 奴は まずペットを殺す 次に家族 |
Freddy was your pet. | ラウンズは君のペット |
– They’re safe now. | 家族は安全だ |
– No one will ever be safe around you, Will. | 君の周りに安全な者はいない |
Clever work on his note, by the way. | あの解読は お見事 |
And that blackout was an especially nice touch. | 停電も巧妙だった |
– What else was in that note, Doctor? | 手紙には何と? |
Put me next to him. That’s what you want, isn’t it? | あなたが欲しいのは 僕の命だろ? |
To help him succeed where you failed? Twice? Give him a chance to kill me. | 奴に殺させようとしてる 自分は二度も失敗したから |
– Go on, then. Seduce me with your wares. | 聞こうじゃないか 私に何を売る気だ? |
– Full restoration of your privileges, | 待遇を元通りに改善 |
plus computer access to the AMA archives. | 医師会へのデータ・アクセス |
One hour a week, under supervision, of course, but this is a one-time offer. | もちろん監視付きで 週に1時間だがね |
It expires the minute I walk out of here. | この場で決断を |
– Bit measly, don’t you think? | たった それだけ? |
– Turn it down, then. See what kind of terms you get from Chilton. | チルトンと交渉するか? |
Are these threats, William? | それは脅しか? |
I’m waiting, Doctor. | それは脅しか? 答えは? 売る物がないのか? |
Or maybe you’ve got nothing left to sell. | 答えは? 売る物がないのか? |
– A little sample, then. Why not? | “商品サンプル”を提供しよう |
Seen the Blake, have you? | ブレイクの絵を? |
– Yes. – No, you’ve looked but not seen. | 見た 見ていない |
Transformation is the key. | 事件の鍵は“変身”だ |
The man-dragon… his ugliness transformed by power. | 醜い“半竜半人”が “力”によって変身してゆく |
Look for a military record with combat training. | 戦闘訓練を受けた元兵士 |
Look for extensive tattooing, and corrective surgery, most likely to the face. | 全身入れ墨(タトゥー) 整形記録 特に顔のね |
– Come on, I’m past all that already and you know it. | そんなことは もう調べた |
Now give me what I need. How is he choosing the women? | 知りたいのは 被害者の選び方だ |
– I’ve already suggested how. The answer was right in front of you. You looked, but didn’t see. | 今 答えを見せたのに 君は見ていない |
Bullshit! No riddles! Just tell me. | 謎掛けはいい 答えを! |
– No! | 言わん! |
It’s your turn. I asked you before for a small courtesy and you responded rudely. | 今度は私の番だ 私が出した 要望を君は はねつけた |
Before I tell you anything more, you will make certain arrangements for me. | 受け入れてくれねば もう何も話さん |
– What kind of arrangements? | 要望って? |
– Oh, nothing much. | 簡単なことさ |
Shall we say dinner and a show? | ディナーとビデオ鑑賞だよ |
– You ready to tell me what kind of outing this is? | 私を どこへ連れてくの? |
Nope. | 内緒だ |
– You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you, D? | あなたは不思議な人ね D |
– Yep. | そう |
– (man) He’s about six feet away. | 2メートル離れてる |
Can you smell him? | 匂いが? |
– Yeah. | ええ |
– Now, he’s a little noisy, but he’s sedated, I assure you. – Okay. | 時々 うなるが 麻酔がかかってる |
– Doctor Hassler’s about to fix his broken tooth. | 欠けた歯を治療する |
– Glad you could come, Ms. McClane. | 歓迎するわ |
We appreciate the infrared film, by the way. (tiger growling softly) | 赤外線フィルムの お礼よ |
– Two more steps. | 2歩 前へ |
I’ll put your left hand on the edge of the table. | あなたの左手を テーブルの端に置くよ |
Now, he’s right in front of you. Take your time. | 君の目の前だよ 触って |
D? | D? |
– I’m here. | ここだよ |
You go ahead. | 怖がらないで |
– Here. | これを |
Why don’t you try this? | 聞いて |
– Nine steps from the front door to the clock and three more to this room. | 玄関から大時計まで9歩 部屋の中まで3歩 |
Sorry, force of habit. | ごめんなさい 癖なの |
That beautiful tiger, this house, this music, | 美しい虎… この家… この音楽… |
I don’t think anybody knows you at all, D. | 誰も知らない あなた… |
Everybody wonders about you, though. | 皆が関心を持ってる |
Especially the women. | 特に女性がね |
– What do they want to know? | なぜ女性が? |
– They find you… very mysterious and interesting. | あなたが― 謎めいてて 興味をそそるから |
– Did they tell you how I look? | 僕の容姿を何と? |
– They said that you have a remarkable body. | “すばらしい体をしている”って |
That you’re very sensitive about your face but you shouldn’t be. | “顔なんか気にすることない”と |
Oh, and… | そして― |
They asked me if you are as strong as you look. | こう聞かれたわ “見かけ通りにツヨいのか”と |
– And? | どう答えた? |
– I said I didn’t know. | “知らないわ”って |
Where the hell are you, D? | D どこなの? |
Ah, here you are. | ここに いた |
Do you want to know what I think about it? | 私の感想を知りたい? |
Now, would you show me where the bathroom is? | トイレが どこか教えて |
– I have to do a little work. | ちょっと仕事を… |
– Sure. If– if I’m keeping you from working– – No. – I’ll go. | おジャマなら 失礼するわ |
– I want you to be here. I do. It’s just a tape I need to watch. | ここに いてくれ ビデオを見るだけなんだ |
It won’t take long. | すぐ済む |
– Do you need to hear it, too? | 音も聞くの? |
– No. | いいや |
– May I keep the music? | 音楽を聴いてても? |
– Uh-huh. | いいよ |
– What’s it about? | 何のビデオ? |
– Some people I’m going to meet. | 会う相手なんだ |
– So then… | つまり― |
it’s what? It’s a corporate promo? Some kind of homework? | 会社のプロモーション・ビデオ? 下調べってわけね? |
– Homework. | 下調べだ |
– That’s a good idea. | 下調べは大切よ |
It’s so important to be prepared. | 何事も― 準備が大事だから |
Oh, my God, are you ever. | まあ 驚いた! あなたったら…! |
– No. | イヤだ |
No– I won’t give her to you. | 彼女は渡さないぞ |
No. | イヤだ! |
(childlike voice) Please, just… just for a little while. | お願いだ 少しでいい 彼女を おれのものに… |
(tearfully) No! | やめろ! |
You’re hurting me! | 勘弁してくれ! |
No, she’s– she’s nice. | やめてくれ 彼女は いい女だ |
She’s okay. | 彼女なら付き合える |
– I had a really terrific time last night, D. | 昨夜は楽しかったわ D |
But this morning you seem like a different person. Is something wrong? | でも今朝は別人みたい 何か あったの? |
– I have to go now. | もう行かなきゃ |
I have to go away. | 発(た)たねば |
– Where? | どこへ? |
– On a trip. | 旅に出る |
– When will I see you again? | また会える? |
– Reba, you have to get out. Get out, now. | リーバ 車から降りるんだ すぐ降りるんだ |
(Metcalf) “Dear Mr. Graham. | “グレアム君” |
“Here are the Jacobis’ personal effects, as discussed. | “ジャコビ家の遺品を送る” |
“I hope these things might help you. “Good hunting. Byron Metcalf.” | “君の役に立ち ホシを 逮捕できることを メトカーフ” |
– (Crawford) Will, how many more times are we going to watch this? | 何度 見るんだ? |
– “See them living,” he said, “right in front of you.” It’s something about these home movies. | レクターは “このビデオで 何かを見落としている” |
Lecter keeps saying, “You looked, but didn’t see.” | “見てるのに 見てない”と |
– Lecter says a lot of things. | 奴の言葉なんか |
It’s a sad damn thing, but we already knew that. | 何度 見返しても― 気が滅入る |
Will, we can’t afford to let Lecter waste our… | 時間のムダだ |
– No, no. Again. | もう一度 見よう |
– (woman) Your dissertation must be nearly finished by now, Mr. Crane. | 〝ブルックリン美術館〞 クレインさん 学位論文は完成した? |
– Nearly. | 殆んど… |
– It’s so nice to be able to connect a face with a name | 文通ばかりで… やっと お会いできましたわ |
after all our correspondence. | やっと お会いできましたわ |
But, you know, you don’t look at all like I imagined you looked. | 想像してた方と 随分 感じが違いますわ |
– What did you think I looked like? | どういう感じと? |
– Different. | 違う想像を |
(no audio) | (ありがとう) |
– (Will) Right there! | これだ! |
There. | 見ろ |
Right there. That’s what he wanted the bolt cutter for. | 奴は あの錠前を壊すために― |
To cut that padlock and go in through the basement. | ボルト・カッターを |
But that’s a different door. | ドアが違ってる |
I don’t get it. The one I saw was flush steel with deadbolts. | 変だな 僕が見た錠前は スチール製のつまみ式だった |
– Jacobi had a new door installed. Beginning of January, I think. It’s in here somewhere. | ドアを取り替えたんだ 1月の初めにね 記録が… |
Think he cased the house while the old door was still there? | 奴は その前に下見を? |
– He brought the bolt cutter, didn’t he? He was sure he’d need it. | だからボルト・カッターを 準備した |
– Why case it almost two months in advance, then not check it again? | 直前でなく 2カ月前に下見? |
– I don’t know, but he was ready with the bolt cutter, | とにかくボルト・カッターを 持ってた |
just like at the Leeds’ house, | とにかくボルト・カッターを 持ってた リーズ家ではガラス・カッター |
only there he was ready with the glass cutter. | リーズ家ではガラス・カッター |
– He must’ve seen the glass pane in the Leeds’ kitchen door when he was walking through the neighborhood. | 台所のガラス・ドアを 下見で見た |
– No, you can’t see that door from the yard. There’s a- – there’s a porch lattice in the way. | 庭からは見えない ポーチの格子がジャマになる |
Jack, he knew the inside of the houses. | 家の内部を知ってた! |
– Remarkable, isn’t it? | すばらしいでしょ? |
200 years old. | 200年前の絵なのに |
Yet so fresh. | この新しい感覚 |
So vivid. | 生きてるわ |
– He almost looks alive, doesn’t he? | 生きてるようね |
– Jean, we have a report here from– | ジェニー… |
– (Crawford) Mr. Metcalf, do you still have the Jacobis’ check stubs and credit card statements? | メトカーフさん ジャコビ家の 支出記録 あります? |
We’re looking for any kind of service call or purchase | 見知らぬ人間が家に 入るような― |
that might’ve required a stranger to come into the house. A repairman or a delivery guy. | 修理とか配達を頼んだ 記録があります? |
– Anybody in the house. – Yeah. | 調べた |
I know we already checked that, | 日付をさかのぼり― |
but now we’ve got to go back much further, all the way to before January. | 1月以前の記録も |
– No collar. – Please hurry, it’s urgent. | 首輪は? |
– Yeah, I’ve got it– – No collar. | 首輪は? |
– Metcalf says– – No collar. | 首輪がない! |
The dog had no collar in a neighborhood full of dogs, but he knew which was theirs. | 首輪がないのに あの家の犬だと知ってた |
Same with the Jacobis’ cat. No collar, but he knew. | ジャコビ家の猫も見分けた |
He knew about the padlock. He knew about the pane of glass. He knew the layout, he knew how to get in. | 錠前の型も ガラス・ドアも 侵入方法も知ってた |
Every goddamn thing he needed to know was on this– | これを見たように… |
Oh, Jesus. | そうか! |
Is Metcalf still on the phone? | メトカーフさん? |
Byron, Byron, it’s Graham. | グレアムです |
Listen, you said Niles Jacobi took a few keepsakes. Do you have a list? | ナイルズ・ジャコビが 持ち帰った品物は? |
– I need to know if one of the things he took was a home video, | その中に ホームビデオがあった? |
a full-length VHS tape, compiled from shorter tapes. | 映像を編集した VHSテープです |
– Yes? | ある? |
– It says, “Meet the Jacobis.” | “ジャコビ家の記録”と |
– It’s Chromalux. | この会社だ |
– (Crawford) We just got a fax. | ファックスだ |
An incident at the Brooklyn Museum. | ブルックリン美術館で― |
A guy attacked two employees, and get this… | 男が2人を襲って― |
ate the Blake painting. – What? | ブレイクの絵を食った |
That’s him– it’s gotta be. | 奴だ 間違いない |
– If that painting meant so much to him, why destroy it? | 自分に大切な絵を食うか? |
And why didn’t he kill those two women at the museum? | 2人の女を殺さずに? |
They both got a good look at him. | 顔を見られたのに? |
Maybe he’s trying to stop. | もう やめる気かも |
– Mr. Crawford, all you’ve got’s a hunch. | 勘だけで社員を調べる? |
I’ve got 382 employees and they’ve got a union. | 社員は382名で組合もある |
I can’t just turn you guys loose on their files, | 裁判所命令もなく― |
not without a court order. | 個人データを見せる? |
There are privacy issues here, the company’s exposure– | 個人データを見せる? 責任問題だ |
– One of those employees has already killed 11 people that we know of. | 従業員の1人が すでに11人を殺害した |
If he gets away tonight, what’s the company’s exposure on that? | 彼が逃げたら企業責任は? |
– Let me get our lawyers down here. I’m sure you guys can work something out. | まず弁護士を呼ぶ |
– We don’t have time for that. – Mr. Crawford– | 時間がない! |
– Listen to me– we’re looking for a white male, 25 to 35. He’s right-handed, he has brown hair. | 白人の男で25才~35才 右利き 髪は茶色 |
– I don’t– – Listen! Please. This guy’s very strong. He’s possibly a bodybuilder. | 聞け! 体を鍛えてる たぶんボディビルでね |
He might have some kind of facial disfigurement. | 顔を整形した可能性も |
He drives a van or a panel truck. | バンかワゴン車を所有 |
– That sounds like Mr. D. | ミスター・Dか? |
– Who’s Mr. D? | ミスター・D? |
– That’s Francis Dolarhyde. He’s our Manager of Technical Services. | 技術サービスの フランシス・ダラハイド |
– What does that mean? What does he do exactly? | 彼の仕事は? |
– He maintains the equipment for tape transfers. | ダビング機材の管理 |
– Would he have access to people’s home videotapes? | お客のホームビデオを? |
– He has access to every tape that comes through here. | すべてのビデオを扱う |
– Thanks for dinner, Ralph, and thanks for letting me vent. | ご馳走さま ラルフ |
– Hey, look, no problemo. (chuckles) | ノー・プロブレムだよ |
Uh… Reba, listen, um… | 1つだけ |
I know it’s not my place to say this… | 出過ぎたことだが… |
– Go on. | 言って |
– Well, if Dolarhyde is really as moody as you say he is, | ダラハイドが そんな気分屋なら― |
maybe you ought to keep a little distance. I mean, what do you really know about the guy? | 少し距離を置いた方がいい 謎の多い奴だし |
– I appreciate your concern, Ralph, really, | ご心配 ありがとう ラルフ |
and I promise I’ll give it some thought. | ご心配 ありがとう ラルフ よく考えるわ |
Hey, have a great vacation. | 楽しいバカンスを |
– Thanks. See you in a week. | どうも じゃ1週間後に |
– Good night. | おやすみ |
– I had a great time. | 楽しかったよ |
– Good night. | おやすみ! |
– Ralph, just ‘cause I’m feeling vulnerable… | ラルフ 私の気持ちは… |
– Reba. | リーバ |
– Wake up. | 目を覚ませ |
You wandered around in the house while I was asleep, didn’t you? – (dazed) What? | おれが眠っている間に 家の中を うろついただろ? |
– The other night, did you find something odd? | この間の夜だよ 何か見つけたか? |
Did you take it and show it to somebody? Did you do that? | 何か持ち出して 誰かに見せたのか? |
– D? | D? |
What is it? What’s happening? | どうしたの? ここはどこ? |
Sit still or he’ll hear us! | “彼”に聞こえる! |
– Who will? | 誰に? |
– He’s upstairs. | “彼”は2階にいる |
He– he wants you, Reba. | 君を欲しがってる |
I thought he was gone, but now he’s back. | 去ったはずが戻った |
– D, you’re scaring me. – Shh! | D 怖いわ |
I didn’t want to give you to him. | 君を守りたい |
I did a thing for you today so he couldn’t have you. | だから今日 あることをした |
I was wrong. | なのに… |
You made me weak and then you hurt me. | 君は おれの力を弱め おれを苦しめてる! |
– No. | イヤだ! |
No, you can’t have her! | 彼女は 渡さない! |
– D, please don’t let him have me. | D? “彼”から守って |
You won’t. | お願い |
I’m for you. You like me, I know you like me. Take me with you. | 私は あなたのものよ 私が好きなら一緒に行くわ |
– Take you with me? | 一緒に? |
Yes. | よし |
Put out your hand, feel this. | 手を出せ これはショットガンだ |
That’s a shotgun, Reba. | これはショットガンだ |
A 12-gauge Magnum. Do you know what it’ll do? – (whimpers) | 12ゲージ・マグナムだ 威力を? |
– I wish I could’ve trusted you. | 君は信頼できると… |
I wanted to trust you. | 君を信頼したかった |
(tearfully) You… you felt so good. | 君に触れると気持ちよかった |
– (sobbing) So did you, D. | 私も同じよ D |
Please don’t hurt me now. | お願い 何もしないで |
– It’s all over for me! | すべて終わりだ |
Where are you, D?! | D どこ? |
– I can’t leave you to him! | 渡さんぞ! |
You know what he’ll do? He’ll bite you to death. | 奴は君を咬み殺す! |
He’ll hurt you so bad! | 君を なぶり殺す |
I can’t let that happen! | そうは させん! |
It’s better if you go with me. | 一緒に来い |
– Yes, God, get us out of here! | 行くわ 逃げましょう! |
– I’ll shoot you and then myself. | 君を撃ち 自殺する |
– Oh, D, no, please… | やめて! |
– I have to shoot you! | 君を殺す |
– Oh, Reba… | リーバ… |
I can’t do it. | できない |
I can’t do it. (racks shotgun) | おれには できない |
– D! – (fires) | D! |
Three steps to the clock. From the clock to the door, nine more. | 大時計まで3歩… 玄関まで9歩… |
Oh, my… God… | 神様 お助けを… |
– (Will) What is that? | あれは? |
What the hell is that? | 何事だ? |
– That’s the place. | 奴の家だ |
– Oh, goddamn it! | チクショー! |
– All units, that’s his house that’s burning. | 全車へ あの家だ |
– FBI! | FBIだ! |
Francis Dolarhyde! | ダラハイドは? |
Francis Dolarhyde, where is he? | フランシス・ダラハイドは? |
– He’s in there, he’s dead. He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead. | 家の中よ 死んだわ |
– You know that? | 確かか? |
– He shot himself in the face. I put my hand in it. He set fire to the house. | 家に火を放ち 銃で自分の顔を… |
He was on the floor, and I… | 床に倒れて… |
Will, you all right? | ウィル 大丈夫か? |
– (Will) All right, that’s all I need. But if it’s all right, I’d like to come back again before I leave town, see how you’re doing. | 話は充分だ 発(た)つ前に 様子を見に立ち寄るよ |
– Sure, why not? Who could resist a charmer like me? | いいわよ 私は 魅力的な女ですもの |
– You know, whatever part of him was still human | 君がいたから彼は― 人間的な部分を持ち続けた |
was only kept alive because of you. | 人間的な部分を持ち続けた |
You probably saved some lives. | 君が被害を食い止めた |
You didn’t draw a freak, okay? You drew a man with a freak on his back. | 君は“狂人”でなく “狂人を 背負った男”を引き付けたんだ |
– I should have known. | 気が付いてれば… |
– No, sometimes you– you don’t. | 後から そう思ったんだ |
Trust me, I… I’ve been there myself. | 僕だって… 同じ経験がある |
– Listen to me. There was plenty wrong with Dolarhyde, but there’s nothing wrong with you. | いいかい? ダラハイドは 異常者だったが君は違う |
Except your hair. | 髪は問題だが |
– Your hair is a train wreck. | その髪は ひどい |
Can we please do something about that? For next time, maybe? Please? | 今度 会う時までに 何とかした方がいい |
That would be nice. | 約束だよ |
– Thank you. | ありがとう |
– Just get some rest. You’re gonna be fine. | ゆっくり休んで 心配ないよ |
– We found this in his safe. Thought you might want to take the first look. | これが金庫に… まず君が読め |
You’ve earned it. | それが順序だ |
– (Will) When I read his journal, it was… sad. | “この不潔なケダモノ!” 日記を読んで胸が潰れた |
It was just so sad. | 言葉もなかった |
I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him. | 何という哀れな男 |
He wasn’t born a monster. | 人間として生まれたのに― |
This guy was made one through years and years of abuse. | 重なる虐待でモンスターに |
– Hey, Dad, can we make s’mores? | パパ “スモア”を焼こう |
– S’mores? | “スモア”? |
– Yeah, s’mores. | “スモア”だよ |
– All right. | いいよ |
– Go look in the pantry. | 材料はキッチンよ |
– Jack, those remains you found in the rubble. They’re not Dolarhyde’s. | ダラハイドの遺体じゃない |
– What are you talking about? His goddamn dentures were there. | 何だと? 入れ歯があったろ? |
– But not his bones. | 骨の― |
Wrong DNA. | DNAが違う |
Then whose are they? | 誰の死体だ? |
Saint Louis PD is looking for a Chromalux employee named Ralph Mandy. | クロマラックス社の社員で ラルフ・マンディって男だ |
He was supposed to be on vacation, so nobody missed him for a week. | 1週間 休暇だと思われてた |
– What is taking him so long? | あいつ 遅いな |
– Are you kidding? It takes him 20 minutes to get out of bed in the morning. | 朝 ベッドを出るのも20分 |
– Yeah, but now I have a serious marshmallow jones. | 早くマシュマロを食いたい |
Hey, Josh, what are you doing? | ジョシュ どうした? |
– (Molly) Hi, we can’t come to the phone right now, but you know the deal. Wait for the beep. | 電話に出られません 伝言を |
– Will, it’s Jack. It’s Dolarhyde, Will. He’s still alive. | ジャックだ ダラハイドは まだ生きてる |
I’m scrambling everything that will roll or fly, but it’s gonna take time to get them out there. | そっちに急行するが まだ時間がかかる |
Will? | ウィル? |
Christ, Will, where are you? | ウィル いるのか? |
– Drop it. | 捨てろ |
Do it now, gumshoe. | 捨てろ デカめ |
– Your son is about to change. | 息子を変身させる |
Then your wife. | 次はワイフ |
You can watch. | お前は見物人だ |
Then I’ll take care of you. | その後 始末してやる |
– Look at you. | 自分を見ろ! |
I’ve never seen a child as disgusting as you! | お前は本当に 吐き気のする子だよ! |
You pissed your pants? | 小便を漏(も)らした? |
How dare you! | 恥を知れ! |
– You dirty little beast. | 不潔なケダモノめ |
You want me to cut it off? | チョン切るぞ |
Is that what you want me to do, you little freak? | どうだ? チョン切るぞ |
You want me to cut it off? | チョン切るぞ |
Do you? | どうだ? |
Don’t cry at me, you little faggot! | 泣くな! オカマ野郎! |
Apologize! | こう言って謝れ |
Say, “I’m sorry, Daddy! “I’m a dirty little beast. | “パパ 僕は汚いケダモノだ” |
I’m a freak.” -Say it! – No. | “僕は醜い” そう言え! |
– Say it! – Daddy! | 言え! パパ! |
– Say it or I will cut it off! | アレをチョン切るぞ! |
“I’m a dirty little beast. | “僕は醜いケダモノだ!” |
“Freak! “Harelip! | “こんな汚い人間は―” |
And no one will ever love me.” | “誰も愛してくれない” |
Josh, run! Run! | ジョシュ 逃げろ! |
Get down! | 隠れろ! |
You okay? | 大丈夫か? |
– Mom? | ジョシュ? ママ? |
– Shh, shh, shh! | ウィル? |
Where are you guys? | どうしたの? |
I thought I heard some kind of…. | ヘンな物音が… |
Will? | ウィル? |
– Molly, get down! | 伏せろ! |
– Will! | ウィル! |
– (weakly) Molly… | モリー… |
Molly… | モリー… |
– Shoot him… | 撃て… |
– Shoot him… shoot him. | 奴を撃つんだ! |
– Mommy? | ママ! |
– (Lecter) “My dear Will. “You must be healed by now. | “親愛なるウィル ケガは治ったかね?” |
“On the outside, at least. “I hope you’re not too ugly. | “少なくとも見かけが 醜くないことを” |
“What a collection of scars you have. | “文字通り満身創痍(そうい)だな” |
“Never forget who gave you the best of them, “and be grateful. | “一番の思い出の傷を忘れず 感謝したまえ” |
“Our scars have the power to remind us the past was real. | “傷痕は「過去は現実だった」 というしるしだ” |
“We live in a primitive time, don’t we, Will? “Neither savage nor wise. | “この世は太古 我々は 野蛮じゃないが利口でもない” |
“Half measures are the curse of it. | “すべてが半端” |
“Any rational society would either kill me or put me to some use.” | “合理的社会なら私を殺すか 役に立てるだろう” |
“Do you dream much, Will? “I think of you often. | “君は夢を見るか? 君を思ってるよ” |
Your old friend, Hannibal Lecter.” | “君の古き友人 ハンニバル・レクター” |
– (Chilton) Hannibal? There’s someone here to see you. | ハンニバル 客だよ |
Wants to ask a few questions. I said you’d probably refuse. | 質問があるそうだが 断るだろ? |
A young woman. Says she’s from the FBI, | 若い女性でFBIだとか |
though she’s far too pretty, if you ask me. | そう思えんほどの美人だ |
I’ll tell her you said no. | 私が断っておこう |
– What is her name? | その女性の名前は? |